Chickens crammed into a barn with very little space on a broiler farm in the UK

There is no future for factory farming

Sign our petition to call on the government to stop greenlighting new factory farms and stop the expansion of existing factory farms in the UK

Sign the petition now

Our work

We’re building a new world for animals by tackling the root causes of exploitation and abuse.


Our work

We’re fighting to end the abuse and exploitation of wild animals by raising awareness and inspiring people to campaign with us. Let's build a future where all animals live safely.


Our work

Factory farming is inflicting cruelty on billions of animals. Find out more on the devastating consequences – for animals, people and the planet – and how to help.

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There are plenty of ways to help in 30 seconds or less. Will you help?

Two elephants carrying tourists on their backs

Elephant rides at Amer Fort aren’t tourism, for 82 elephants like Rangoli, they’re torture.

Elephants like Rangoli endure daily torment, carrying heavy tourists up a gruelling cobbled climb in scorching temperatures exceeding 40 degrees. We need your help to end this torture.

What we do

Our vision is a world where animals live free from cruelty and suffering. And they need our help.
That's why we're here.

About us

We’re a global movement that’s changing the way the world works to end animal cruelty. World Animal Protection has been moving the world to protect animals for more than 70 years. Join us today.

How we are run

About us

World Animal Protection is a registered charity in the UK. We have offices in 12 countries and an international office in London to have the biggest impact for animals.

Get involved

We fight to give all animals good lives, from ending factory farming to ending the global wildlife trade. The more who join us, the more we can do. Are you in?

Our latest updates


What is the fastest animal on the planet? And what about the most trafficked? What's another name for a killer whale? Test your animal knowledge with our in-house quizzes. Good luck!

A gift in your Will

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Making a Will gives you peace of mind, knowing your money and possessions will be passed on to people and causes you care about.

Dolphin pod swimming in the wild

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